How to earn money online with CashNHits

How to earn money online with CashNHits

Earn advertising and watching videos on Yuotube



CashNHits is one of the many sites on the internet that promise to make money through the click through link or paid membership sites proposed.
CashNHits, very famous abroad, in Italy is not much used (perhaps because our language lacks) and could therefore have an easy time in finding any referral as few Italians are recorded…
Despite this “ignorance Italian“, CashNHits is a website that is very solid online even from 2009 and has already paid more than 330.000,00 $!!!
In addition to, with its almost 330.000 Members, is currently one of the sites PaidToClick most popular internet… Strange to think how so famous and popular sites, in Italy are virtually unknown to most!

But let's see how to earn:

Earn real money with CashNHits makes it easy and fast. Once you are logged in, the user will find the appropriate section a number of links to click and view (currently there are about 20 link from the mean value of 0,003 $).
What? 0,3 cents ogni clik? A misery you're thinking!
If that were the case I have to give a reason, but the focus of the gain that is not true… Do you think he would live long a site that allows you to earn 4/5 cents a day? Inside CashNHits In fact there are also other possibilities to earn money, how to sign up for sites proposed, the video viewing o la Reference to other users.

Extra information on CashNHits:

As a first consideration is important to note how the payout 0,60 $ that CashNHits exhibition is only valid for standard users that require payment through PayPal (0,25 $ Premium users), while for those who wish to collect their earnings through Payza, the minimum threshold for payout instead of 1,25 $.
I wait a bit’ boring CashNHits (on the other hand more and more PTC are adopting this system) is the fact that in order to take advantage of the benefits of having referrals, You must be at least and click 4 links every day (if someday we access, the next day there will be credited the money earned by our godchildren).
In addition to this constraint, CashNHits require consumers to regular activities because it keeps the inscription only active users, then after a month that a person ceases to login, his account is deleted and with it all the gains achieved so far!
Changing the subject and going to talk about the system of reference, it should be noted how one can accumulate 100% earnings guest without an upper limit on the number of referrals.
It, as anticipated, the real gain CashNHits lies in having many members under our reference: having in fact 80 people that clicking 10 link to the day, we will gain the beauty of 2,40 $ Daily (80 people x 10 click x 0,003 $ a click) without practically doing anything (or better, just click on those 4 links daily that allow us to obtain the compensation of referrals).

Other forms of gain:

In addition to this (referrals e click), CashNHits allows you to accumulate money also:
– By signing up to other sites (is practically a PTSU) whose compensation also comes to a maximum of 2,00 $;
– Publishing and sponsoring of the sites (a kind of PTP, PaidToPromote), where you get to earn even 1,00 $ each 1.000 views;
– Viewing the videos on;
– Through a system autosurf in which flow around 150 video.
Never before in CashNHits you'll have to be patient and methodical, but if you can be, the gains are actually within your reach (pay 330.000,00 of dollars and be online by 2009 not the stuff of all!).

Click here to sign up: CashNHits Pay x Click

The oldest and the one that pays the most

