Web Graphics

Grafica's per privatization e Aziende

Grafica Web

Grafica e Web per Aziende privatization. SEO Attivita e siti E-Commerce

Le ragioni per costruire un sito web
Realizzare oggi è un sito web scelta strategica fondamentale una per tutte le Aziende, associazioni, pubbliche amministrazioni professionisti che e prodotti e servizi desiderano proporre ad una nuova che non avrebbero utenza potuto raggiungere in altro modo, oppure per coloro che desiderano fidelizzare He clientela acquistata fornendo servizi e supporto Informativo.

La prima domanda in a chi si accinge realizzare è un sito web: “Che cosa voglio da questo sito ottenere, Vantaggio quale mi può dare?”
Sembrano domande scontate, ovvie, ma quando ci un cliente contatta, partiamo proprio qui da noi.
E spesso il cliente, is not as accurate as you would expect in the response. So we need to explain the reasons for which to build a website.

We give some examples:
Being present on the internet to promote their business
Being there is important in a global community as is the internet. It means being available to a large number of potential customers 24 on 24, 7 days 7 with a waste of energy and money really ridiculous.
Internet advertising is the form of more convenient and simple to implement and the only one with which you can easily reach countries and languages ​​other than our own.

Stimulate and retain your customers
The immediate availability of information about your products and services stimulates consumer interest to you.
More and more people ask the companies they serve if they have a website where they can find information on the requested items. More and more people now rely on the internet to search for products and services they need.

Being present on the network. A distinctive and important.
Users have come to expect to find in any kind of internet news, so do not be mean not exist for a large share of public.

To showcase their products and services, raise awareness of the Company
On this website you can provide a presentation of their company and therefore of its products and services to all those who, classified as your potential clients, they are aware of the internet and because it advertised through traditional means of advertising such as radio, tv, business cards, posters or advertising road or because it has been achieved thanks to the search engines. Crucial is a good presence on the search engines in terms of positioning in relation to research keywords of interest.

Electronic commerce (E-Commerce)
A website can become a shop or “another store” where your customers can buy your goods or services, make orders and pay by credit card, bank transfer or cash on delivery.
It 'always open a store where the customer manages his shopping cart up to the checkout where it will make the payment in the manner that you will put at the disposal.

Distribute confidential information in a confidential manner
For a company it is often necessary to make available business information continuously updated. In this case it is possible, eg, rely on web-based applications that make it easy to manage the flow of information to the outside. The web applications are essential in the management of some internal processes and as a business tool. From e-commerce to intranet and extranet applications, to the management of information and data,
ArtGallery75 designs and develops custom applications for your business, allowing you to save time and money.

Make available a discussion, a topic or place
Blogs, forum guestbook… with these tools you can share content with other users of various types to create some real collaborative teams in which everyone can contribute in their own way to your project. The blog shortens the distance between the company and potential customers, allows for dialogue and exchange information, encourages customer loyalty.

The way we work
We have our own method of working, to conceive the creation of a website or web application that reflects our corporate mission, or to offer a service that maximizes the goals of the client. There is nothing secret, it comes to developing a path that leads to the creation of an instrument that is truly comply with the objectives that the client intends.


Some of our projects: